Has NASA just developed a nasal spray against motion sickness?
It may seem surprising, but 1 in 2 astronauts suffer from motion sickness while traveling in space. Medicines that are already available are not always effective or sometimes cause side effects. Therefore NASA, with the help of a Californian pharmaceutical company, took charge of developing its own treatment.
Does this mean that even “super-trained” men such as astronauts can suffer from this rather trivial ailment?
Indeed, and space sickness causes the same symptoms as when you are sick in a car. Nausea or dizziness is caused by movements of the spacecraft which disrupt the information transmitted to our center of balance. A center of balance which is located in the inner ear and which no longer understands what is happening with the movements of our body.
How did NASA go about developing this new treatment?
16 volunteers received either the new drug or a placebo. They were then placed in a machine reproducing the sensations of travel in space. The ride would stop when the volunteers started complaining of nausea, and hopefully the ride would still last 40 minutes. The result: with the all-new nasal spray, participants resisted an average of 20% longer than with the placebo.
So, we have a brand new treatment that works …
It is not entirely new. In fact, the product contained in the nasal spray is a molecule that has already proven itself against motion sickness, but in tablet or patch. What changes there is the route of administration. By inhaling the product, it works much faster. On the other hand, it is not yet worth rushing to a pharmacy to buy it. NASA still has to carry out several clinical trials and above all obtain marketing authorization.
Until then, what do we have today to cure motion sickness?
There are a few treatments that alleviate the symptoms, it is best to ask your pharmacist for advice. Otherwise there is also a rehabilitation technique that definitely cures 75% of people. It is practiced in certain hospital services specializing in balance disorders, or in a vestibular physiotherapist, that’s its name. These rehabilitation sessions can be reimbursed by social security, if they are prescribed by a doctor.