Men are sensitive beings to such an extent that too many arguments can end up killing us… Reassured, women? Nay! They are under the threat of a very particular form of infarction in the event of an argument.
We must go to war against arguments which, according to Danish researchers, could increase the risk of premature death. Especially in men.
You don’t have to be a doctor to know that arguing isn’t a good thing…that it’s not downright pleasant. And according to these Danish researchers, arguing regularly could increase the risk of premature death and lose a few years of life. Unpublished results published in the international scientific journal of very good reputation. A small storm from time to time, it happens to all couples, to all friends… The researchers followed 10,000 men and women, aged 36 to 52, for nearly 11 years. As a result, frequent conflicts are clearly associated with a doubling or even tripling of the risk of death from all causes compared to a peaceful social life. These are rather very classic disputes. Most admit frequent conflicts with the partner or the children, a little less with other relatives and finally, a few with friends or neighbours. Men and women are not equal in the face of these “post-household” risks and it is rather the men who pay the bill. Especially unemployed men.
The broken heart is not just a poet’s metaphor
For women, another risk dominates.
An intense emotion can be the cause of a kind of female heart attack… It’s called the Tako Tsubo and it’s a real curiosity that comes to us from Japan. In Japanese, Tako Tsubo means “octopus trap”. We could summarize this disease by saying that it is a heart attack that only occurs in women, after violent stress, most of the time an argument with the mother-in-law, husband or children! A funny manifestation of anger that shows all the signs of a heart attack, especially the pain. But when these women arrive at the hospital, all the examinations are normal… except the aspect of the heart which is deformed, in the shape of the “octopus trap” used in traditional Japanese fishing; hence the name of this disease.
Normally, everything should be back to normal after 2 days of monitoring. Since the description of this disease by the Japanese, practically all French cardiologists have noticed that they have encountered this phenomenon which is far from being confidential.
Previous studies have already shown that high levels of anxiety can increase, for example, the risk of heart problems or strokes.
We have just discovered the explanation of the Tako Tsubo: under the effect of stress, the nervous system which manages our emotions panics and leads to disorientation of the apex of the heart.
Who will dare to deny after that that affairs of the heart are in fact affairs of the head!
And on the contrary, if you are caring and kind, you live better because there is still a moral to this story: according to numerous studies, good social relations and a large network of friends can have positive consequences for health.
Doctor Jean-Francois Lemoine
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