The operations and hormonal treatments allowing a change of sex will be free in Argentina. The Ministry of Health adopted a measure on May 29 that allows it.
Changing sex will not cost anything in Argentina anymore. On May 29, the Ministry of Health gave its agreement to the application of a provision of the law on sexual identity of 2012. Argentines will no longer have to pay for six interventions allowing a change of sex, thus than the hormonal treatments that accompany this process.
From the removal of the breasts to that of the penis, half a dozen surgeries leading to a change of sex will no longer need the agreement of the administration and the justice system. This is what stipulates gender identity law, voted in 2012 in Argentina. Its application is now governed by specific legislation. “This means that the operations, but also the hormonal treatments which allow the body to correspond to the self-perceived identity, are part of the compulsory care regime”, specifies Esteban Paulon, of the Argentinian Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Bi and Trans (FALGBT). The various LGBT associations also welcome the initiative in a joint press release.
With this latest decision, Argentina continues to prove its lead in recognizing the LGBT community. It is the only Latin American country to allow same-sex marriage, a law passed in 2010. Two years later, the state adopted the law on gender identity. It allows a free declaration of its kind, and opens the possibility of changing it without involving doctors and judges.
But on Twitter, the measure is received in a very disparate way. Some do not hesitate to make a rapprochement with France.
In Argentina they allow the change of sex freely, while in France it is necessary to be recognized as suffering from the syndrome of transsexualism.
– Mélinou (@ramutch) March 2, 2015
“Sex reassignment surgeries and hormonal treatments are now free in Argentina” ♥
– Maiden (@MaidenMoonchild) May 30, 2015
Argentina, a country where children work hard to eat, but where trans people can change their sex for free
– Dylan the InventIf (@linventif) May 30, 2015
Free sex change in Argentina, but where is the world going ?!
– Zefir (@TheZefir) May 30, 2015