People infected with the coronavirus (Covid-19) can present with various symptoms, from a common cold in the majority of cases (80% of cases), to a severe lung infection, responsible for acute respiratory distress, for the most severe cases. We observe severe forms in 15% of cases and the disease can lead in 1% to 2% of times to death of patients.
What is acute respiratory distress?
Respiratory distress syndrome is a severe form of lung failure, which can have many causes (pulmonary edema, drowning, inhalation of smoke, asthma attack,…). It results in a temporary inability to breathe normally, when the gas exchanges of expiration and inspiration are no longer effective. This phenomenon leads to a lack of oxygenation, the consequences of which can be fatal. This lack of oxygenation can be linked to external factors (lack of oxygen in the air) or internal (pulmonary obstruction due to food, chronic disease, etc.). Overall, the mortality rate for respiratory distress syndrome is approximately 40%. Without treatment, this rate reaches 80 to 90%.
Respiratory distress: symptoms that should alert
Irregular and noisy breathing, rapid pulse, headache, feeling of dread, bluish lips and extremities (cyanosis due to lack of oxygen in the blood), disturbances of consciousness and behavior, … All these symptoms must be reminiscent of respiratory distress. If someone you know is showing some symptoms, don’t hesitate to call 15.
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- Coronavirus or not? Take the test
- Coronavirus: why we should not panic
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