Nearly a quarter of the adult French population consumes too much alcohol according to Public Health France.
- The recommended alcohol consumption threshold not to be exceeded is 10 standard drinks per week, no more than two per day, with non-drinking days.
- 23.7% of 18-75 year olds exceeded alcohol consumption guidelines between June and July 2020.
- Men without a diploma and with low incomes are the most affected by excessive consumption.
Nearly one in four French adults consumes too much alcohol. This Tuesday, November 9, Public Health France (SpF) published the results of a study conducted between June and July 2020 which reveals that 23.7% of 18-75 year olds exceeded the alcohol consumption guidelines set in 2017 by SpF with the National Cancer Institute (INCa). The National Agency points out that excessive alcohol consumption is responsible for more than 40,000 deaths each year.
Less educated men are the biggest consumers
The recommended alcohol consumption threshold not to be exceeded is 10 standard drinks per week, no more than two per day, with non-drinking days. A limit exceeded by nearly one in four French people, with a slight increase compared to 2017 (23.6%).
In presenting its new figures, SpF hopes “improve the targeting of preventive actions, taking into account social inequalities in health.” She has detailed who are most affected by excessive alcohol consumption. Men appear more likely to abuse the drink (33.2%) than women (14.7%). Among them, 47.7% had no diploma or a diploma less than or equal to the baccalaureate (33.4% for women), 25.6% had a low monthly income (26.2% for women), 57 6% were employed (59.2% for women) and 9.4% unemployed (7.2% for women).
No awareness of the risks
The study points to a lack of awareness of the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. In fact, 8% of people who did not exceed the benchmarks and 17% of people who exceeded them felt that there was no risk to their own health with daily consumption. Only 17% of those not exceeding the benchmarks and 23% of those exceeding them are ready to reduce their consumption.
Consumption in moderation beneficial for the cardiovascular health of seniors
Moderate alcohol consumption would not necessarily be a bad idea for seniors. This is suggested by a study conducted by researchers at Monash University on more than 18,000 people over the age of 70 for 5 years. The results, published on October 28 in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, indicate that the occasional drink may help people live longer by reducing the risk of developing heart disease. Above all, it shows that this risk is lower than in people choosing not to drink at all.
It is difficult to see clearly the consequences of moderate alcohol consumption. Sometimes the studies emphasize that the health risk is triggered from the first drink, sometimes they show its beneficial effects such as the fight against stress. What is certain is that excessive drinking is bad for your health and reduces life expectancy.
Between three and seven glasses per week
In the new study, researchers looked at more than 18,000 healthy people with no history of heart problems, dementia or disability with an average age of 74. The results reveal that older adults with higher levels of weekly drinking have lower risk than those who drink little or no alcohol. The team found that those who consumed at least three drinks per week suffered fewer cardiovascular events than the non-alcoholic group. Those who restricted themselves to less than seven drinks per week also had a lower risk of death from all causes compared to the other participants.
Researchers point out that excessive alcohol consumption always increases the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer and liver disease.