Mix alcohol with energy drinks is bad for your health and several studies have alerted on the risk of adopting this cocktail. In October 2016, the American University of Purdue compared the effects of this combination to cocaine.
The dangers of alcohol and energy drinks are once again highlighted in the publication of Canadian works. Researchers from University of Victoria found that this combination put people at risk of accidents, falls and fights. This link was established after reviewing 13 studies on the subject published between 1981 and 2016. Ten studies out of the 13 have highlighted this increased risk of accidents, falls and the risk of coming to blows. .
The researchers were unable to determine an injury risk given the difficulty in making comparisons between different publications.
However, in light of these results, Canadians strongly advise against drinking alcohol and caffeine-rich energy drinks.
A message that is directly addressed to young consumers, lovers of “boost” drinkslike Red Bull in the evenings, in bars and clubs where they are often mixed with alcohol.
A deceptive effect that encourages you to drink more
Canadian researchers attribute this new risk of accident to a side effect of this mix: the “wide awake drunk”. Translation: This would have the effect of making consumers drunk but wide awake. This paradox would be the consequence of the stimulating effects of caffeine and the “inhibitory” effects of alcohol on the brain. The feeling of being very awake would mask the effects of alcohol and therefore encourage drinking more with the associated dangers.
Canadians believe that more work needs to be done to accurately assess the proven health risks of this association.
The study appeared in the journal Journal of Studies on alcohol and drugs.
Read also: Energy drinks: what are their effects on health
Sex + energy drinks, a dangerous cocktail