In 2013, the laboratories performed 5.2 million HIV serologies. But, for Marisol Touraine, the screening of the most exposed populations must be stepped up. By self-tests or rapid tests.
On the occasion of the world day against AIDS which takes place this Monday, Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health, has just warned of the need to remain mobilized against this disease. In France, 150,000 people are living with HIV, and nearly 30,000 people are still unaware of their HIV status. In a press release published today, the ministry writes: “The risk of contamination remains very real in our country, with 6,200 new contaminations recorded last year, a stable figure compared to 2012.”
In pharmacies on July 1, 2015
The government announces that self-screening tests will be available in pharmacies on July 1, 2015. Saliva or blood, they are used to detect anti-HIV 1 and anti-HIV 2 antibodies. Their advantage is that they allow test yourself at home with a result in less than thirty minutes.
The health bill, which will be discussed in the National Assembly in early 2015, also provides that these self-tests will be made available to associations to strengthen targeted screening actions aimed at those most at risk.
As such, the Minister recalls that these tests do not replace other screening devices. “They complement the arsenal available to meet specific needs. The users of these tests will be supported in their approach, in particular with an available telephone platform, ”the press release concludes.
Generalized community screening
In addition, the Minister of Health indicates that the screening of the most exposed populations (prostitutes, drug addicts, homosexuals …), “often far from the health system”, must be stepped up. Thus, she affirms that community screening by rapid diagnostic orientation tests (TROD) for HIV will be continued and generalized, and that the amount paid to associations carrying out them will be reassessed on this occasion.
The other good news announced by the ministry concerns the TRODs again, but this time for hepatitis C (available in the laboratory and at the doctor), which can be carried out by the associations from May 2015.
Thus, screening targeting people co-infected with HIV and HCV can be carried out.
The promotion of condoms
Finally, to reduce the disease in France in the long term, Marisol Touraine wishes to systematize the use of condoms.
For this, the government recalls that on January 1, 2014, it lowered the rate of VAT applied to condoms, from 7% to 5.5%, instead of the increase to 10% provided for in this case. dated. In addition, he underlines that a poster campaign aimed at the general public has just been relaunched “to remind everyone, and in particular the youngest, that the condom is the best protection against HIV. “
As a reminder, in 2013, medical analysis laboratories performed 5.2 million HIV serologies. The Anonymous and Free Screening Centers (CDAG) performed 344,000. 56,500 rapid diagnostic-oriented tests (TROD), provided by associations, were also performed.