From tomorrow and until Sunday, France is mobilizing for the benefit of research against AIDS during the 2016 edition of Sidaction. This year, the association has chosen to focus on young people, who represent 30% of the 5,600 people infected. by HIV every day in the world. In France, 11% of newly infected each year are between 15 and 24 years old. On this occasion, a new Ifop survey was carried out which shows a real lack of knowledge of the disease among young people. Thereby :
• One in 5 young people still believe that the disease can be transmitted by kissing or drinking from a glass of an HIV-positive person
• One in four (22%) think there is an AIDS vaccine.
“For lack of information, young people underestimate the threats of the virus and do not feel concerned by the risks associated with the disease “ explains the association.
The 15-17 year olds are 29% not to be afraid of the virus against 20% for the 21-24 year olds. The difference is even greater depending on the diplomas obtained. Thus, 30% of non-graduates are not afraid of it against only 12% for bac + 2.
Read also :
The ministry’s campaign for AIDS screening
How to grow old with hiv?