A third or almost of young French people aged 15 to 24 have false representations about HIV and its modes of transmission. An edifying figure revealed by a survey conducted for Sidaction by Ifop and Bilendi and relayed by the Huffington Post.
Every year, on the eve of Sidaction, the association questions the French about their knowledge of HIV and AIDS. The 2016 vintage is appalling to say the least. The survey conducted on the internet among a thousand people representative of the 15-24 age group, reveals that one in five young people still believe that HIV is transmitted by kissing, or by drinking from a glass of wine. an HIV positive person. They were “only” 15% to be mistaken about the modes of transmission of the virus in 2015… Proof that it is urgent to act if we do not soon want to have the feeling of being back in the 1980s !
However, when asked if they consider themselves well informed about HIV, 82% of respondents answer in the affirmative! A figure certainly down 7 points compared to 2015, but which highlights a cruel gap between perception and reality. More worryingly, the proportion of young people who say they are not afraid of AIDS has increased, from 17% to 24%!
Less well informed but more confident young people react less well: they are thus 10% less than in 2015 to be screened after a risky relationship.
Unfortunately, the lack of knowledge among the youngest is not limited to HIV. A survey published a few days ago revealed that 27% of respondents thought they could contract an STI by using the toothbrush of an infected person. More than a third also labeled psoriasis as a sexually transmitted infection…