Ok, we grant you the golf, it’s far from being as sexy as zumba … But, according to a recent German study, after a heart attack, it is “the” ideal sport to get back in shape.
To reach this conclusion, researchers at the University of Regensburg (Germany) looked at the state of health of 24 patients aged 23 to 72 who had suffered a heart attack. Half of them took golf lessons twice a week for 10 weeks, while the rest did not participate in any physical activity. Verdict? At the end of the experiment, the apprentice golfers showed better results on the observation and spotting tests in space than the others …
Avoid “brutal” sports
Please note: these results (published in the scientific journal Psychogeriatrics) are only valid for golf. Indeed, after a infarction, not all sports are recommended. Thus, to limit too intense cardiac efforts, we avoid “brutal” sports (no zumba, therefore, nor kick-boxing!), And we instead focus on physical activities which work endurance and require regular efforts. . The idea? Strengthen the heart muscle, without rushing it. Swimming, walking, or … golfing is ours!
It should be remembered that in France, there is an average of 120,000 myocardial infarctions per year. About 10% of victims die within an hour and the death rate is 15%: thus, the “heart attack” kills about 18,000 victims each year in France. (source: Inserm)
Did you know ? Golf is also recommended when you have diabetes!
On the other hand, if you have back problems, golf is – obviously – one of the sports to avoid …
Read also: after a heart attack, intensive sport becomes dangerous.