MILDECA and Inserm have launched, a scientific information website on addictions designed with and for young people. It contains videos, quizzes, etc.
A survey (1) recently showed that seven out of ten adolescents do not trust information posted on the web about addictions and drugs. For 63% of them, the sites do not offer verified information and even provide contradictory information.
In identical proportions, respondents indicate that having validated scientific information would help them make choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Finally, the survey revealed curiosity and more specific questions about the biological effects of drugs on the brain and body. Faced with so many specific requests, MILDECA (2) and Inserm (3) have devised a unique project. In collaboration with the Arbor of Knowledge association, they have just launched, the first website for scientific information on addictions built with and for young people.
A unique program in France
Thanks to the help of recognized scientists, this new site offers a lot of dynamic and reliable content adapted to the expectations of 13-19 year olds. The articles decipher the scientific information on addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs in a language and on supports adapted to the multimedia uses of young people.
Why can alcohol make you violent? Change sexual performance? It is to answer these questions that Inserm and MILDECA have supported the MAAD Digital program, innovative and unique in France. While a number of false information, presented as scientific truths, circulate on the Net, this program aims “to deliver and centralize educational and reliable scientific information on the mechanisms of drug addiction”, specifies a statement.
To become “science couriers”
Also present on social networks (Twitter: @MaadDigital and Facebook page), this site therefore allows young people to become “science passers” and gives them the opportunity to discuss these subjects among themselves, without taboos, and under the angle of knowledge.
And to attract this audience, MAAD Digital had the good idea to tap into the world of successful comics and series. Finally, the site offers teachers the opportunity to use articles covering teaching units (5th / 4th / 3rd and high school) to build their lessons. All while following the news closely.
In his last tweet, MAAD Digital reminds, for example, that there are only a few days left to make a success of Tobacco Free Months. But the new website points out that this bet is even more difficult for teenagers. Did you know ? Explanations by clicking on the following link:
(2) Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behaviors
(3) The National Institute of Health and Medical Research