A search engine has been created to check whether your medications or medical treatments are contraindicated in the event of Covid-19 contamination.
People with coronavirus need to be extra vigilant about any medications or treatments they are taking. For quick and easy information, and to ease calls to 15 and doctors, a site has been designed to answer their questions.
How it works ?
If you want to take a medication or if you are under medical treatment and you have any doubts about its interaction with the new coronavirus (because you are infected or because you have symptoms) the site covid19-drugs will be very helpful to you.
To get an answer from the search engine created by the pharmacology department of the Bordeaux University Hospital in collaboration with the start-up Synapse, all you need to do is enter the name of the drug and answer two questions.
The first: Was this drug prescribed for you by a doctor?
Second: Do you take this medication on a daily or almost daily basis to treat chronic illness?
Once the search is launched, the search engine will be able to provide you with information in three different ways. Either the medicine is not known to worsen the symptoms of Covid-19, or substances in the medicine can potentially be aggravating agents, or it is recommended to alleviate the symptoms (such as paracetamol, for example).
In each case, elements of information are given to the user, such as avoiding taking this medicine without medical advice, or not stopping the treatment.
The search engine is also available as an app on the App Store and Google Play.