May 2, 2000 – A team of researchers from the University of California at San Diego has just found that children diagnosed with attention deficit syndrome (ADS) and hyperactivity are three times more prone to visual convergence problem than other children.
This problem makes it difficult to keep your eyes fixed on a target at close range. It barely affects 5% of children but this percentage rises to 15% in those diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. The research conducted by Dr. David B. Granet would be the first to point out a possible link between the two problems.
“It is not known whether children are misdiagnosed with ADS when they simply have a problem with their vision, or vice versa, but the problem with visual convergence makes it harder to concentrate on reading, which is one of the factors. symptoms used to define Attention Deficit Syndrome, ”said Dr. Granet.
The study was made public at a meeting of the American Academy of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus in early April.
According to Reuters, April 15, 2000