Dperiod colors and which painkillers to give preference to,choice of intimate protection, hygiene during menstruation, bathing possible or not…The first periods are accompanied by various questions. However, ithe subject is sometimes difficult to discuss as a family. Hence the idea of a Box new on the theme of First Periods distributed in network pharmacies Pharmactiv in order to inform the teenage girls and to help parents accompany their daughter in this pivotal stage.
What’s in the First Periods Box
This box includes a leaflet for teenage girls to better cope with the onset of menstruation and help them to understandperiods, premenstrual syndrome, types of hygienic protection, good gestures to take care of their intimate hygiene. Unot flyer for parents to support them in their discussions with their teenager. Dsamples of sanitary protection and intimate gel and a fabric bag. Everything to facilitate the moment of the first menstruation which arrives on average at 12.6 years. If this concerns you, ask your Box for your pharmacist.*
To know: the pharmacists of the network Pharmactiv are prepared for the theme of the first period. Don’t hesitate to question them or ask your daughter to ask them questions about the types of sanitary protection, premenstrual syndrome and advice for relieving pain, the symptoms of toxic shock linked to menstruation, the gestures of hygiene to limit intimate inconvenience…
*In the limit of the available stock
Availablity: pharmaciesPharmactiv
On the occasion of the Top Health Awards, we award a Public Favorite Award. Would you like to vote for the First Rules Box? It’s this way !