Published in 20,000 copies and printed on recycled paper, “Pesticides, danger!” is the first document intended for consumers addressing the health and natural risks associated with the use of pesticides.
In the form of questions and answers, this 36-page booklet informs consumers about the problems caused by the use of pesticides. We learn what pesticides really are, their effects on health and nature, but also how to limit exposure to these products and reduce their use.
This guide also provides tips and alternative methods for home gardeners to enable them to grow fruits and vegetables using environmentally friendly techniques, without resorting to pesticides.
Each year, around 80,000 tonnes of pesticides are spread throughout France. According to the Union des Industries de la Protection des Plantes (UIPP), France ranks first among European countries for the spraying of chemicals in agriculture and gardening.
The booklet “Pesticides, danger” can be ordered from the House of Consumption and the Environment of Rennes (mail to MCE, 48 Bd Magenta, 35000 Rennes, accompanied by 2.33 euros in stamps), or downloaded free of charge from the site of the “Water & pesticides” program.