New study confirms the dangers of pesticides for female fertility. It was performed on women who were undergoing infertility treatment.
New alert on the dangers of pesticides. Consuming fruits and vegetables containing pesticide residues would reduce women’s fertility.
A study was conducted on women treated for their infertility problem and shows a significant impact. The results of this research were published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.
A study based on the level of pesticides
325 women participated in the study, all of whom were receiving treatment for infertility, using assisted reproduction techniques. They were divided into different groups: one consumed fruits and vegetables containing a high dose of pesticide residues, the others low doses.
The pesticide residue dosage scale was based on that of the United States Department of Agriculture. In each of the groups, sub-groups were created with different portions of fruits and vegetables.
Higher risks of miscarriage
Women who consumed fruits and vegetables with higher amounts of pesticide residue have a lower probability of being pregnant and a lower probability of the child being born alive.
Fertility which is also gradually decreasing as the quantity of contaminated vegetables and fruits increases: women who consume the largest portions, with the highest pesticide residues, have an 18% less chance of being pregnant , compared to those who consume the same fruits and vegetables, but in small portions.
In addition, they are 26% less likely to deliver a baby alive.
To avoid pesticides, an organic diet can help, even if traces of pesticides have already been found in organic vegetables. Otherwise, eating local and seasonal can avoid processed fruits and vegetables for travel.