A 75-year-old woman died while having an operation in the low-cost dental center: Dental Access, opened in Cannes in 2015. The Regional Health Agency contacted the grasse prosecutor’s office, which decided to open an investigation in order to “determine the causes of death and verify the conditions for practicing the profession of dentist”.
Suffering from periodontitis terminal, i.e. a serious inflammation of the tissues supporting the tooth, the Cannoise went to Dental Access for the first time on February 13. According to Nice Matin, victim of discomfort during the consultation, she was sent to the hospital from where she will come out the same evening, being a simple “crisis ofanxiety “. According to Dental Access, the patient contacted the center the next day to continue treatment, which the dentist objected to.” He asked for at least five weeks to ensure that everything was fine. It also required either hospital treatment or an appointment with a resuscitator anesthetist, as well as the presence of the latter during the operation “, explains the president of Dental Access to nice morning.
The mystery remains whole
So, 5 weeks later, on March 24, 2018, the woman underwent another operation, assisted by a resuscitator anesthetist. While the patient’s constants panic 45 minutes after the start of the operation, the anesthesiologist begins to perform a heart massage. The patient was rushed to hospital where she died two days later, on March 26. The family has since filed a complaint against the dental center. “At this time, no causal link has been established between dental treatment and death,” said the lawyer for Dental Access. According to them, toxicological analyzes dating from April 5 “do not reveal any overdose or allergy to the drug”.
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