While the National Assembly has just voted definitively to extend the offense of obstructing abortion to the Internet, Alliance Vita is filing a complaint against the Ministry of Health.
The pro-life association Alliance Vita announced on Thursday in a press release the filing of a request before the administrative justice against information “inaccurate or not objective” which appears, according to it, on the site of the Ministry of Health devoted to abortion.
This announcement comes as the National Assembly has just voted definitively to extend the offense of obstructing abortion. This text aims in particular to punish websites which, under cover of a neutral and objective presentation, are screens of anti-abortion groups.
A video at the center of the request
The government therefore barely had time to celebrate. Alliance Vita’s appeal particularly concerns a video entitled: “Are there psychological consequences after an abortion?” “, In which a gynecologist says” that there is no long-term psychological sequelae of abortion “.
In the rest of his answer, the practitioner adds that “there is no post-traumatic syndrome that persists at a distance, several years after an abortion”.
For the pro-life association, this statement goes against the report of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas) of 2010, which underlines the lack of objective study on the consequences of abortion which “remains a problem. an event that is often difficult to live with on a psychological level ”.
Alliance Vita omits, on the other hand, to say that in the ministerial video that she attacks, the gynecologist also indicates that the abortion is not a very pleasant moment to pass. “Some women live it, let’s say pretty well and others are sad, cry. And at this time, do not hesitate to ask professionals trained in psychological support to help you, ”he advises.
In this appeal, Alliance VITA finally denounces the inaccuracy of certain information contained in the guide file on abortion, which dates from November 2014, while Article L.2212-3 of the Public Health Code requires an update. annual day.
A procedural association
As a reminder, Alliance Vita was founded in 1993 by Christine Boutin. She campaigns in particular against abortion and euthanasia. She runs sosbébé.org, one of the sites targeted by the extension of the offense of obstruction. This is now punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros.
“In view of the attacks on freedom of expression as well as the vagueness of this new offense under criminal law, criticisms expressed on several occasions during parliamentary debates, it is highly probable that the Constitutional Council will have to pronounce on this text ”, estimates Alliance Vita.