La Sécu launches a campaign to limit sick leave due to low back painat a time when one in two French people complains of these lower back pain every year. Low back pain, which can be linked, for example, to stress or bad posture, is too heavy a burden for Health Insurance. She observes that in one in five cases, this back pain leads to a work stoppage. Problem, these sick leaves are often long and expensive: 6,700 French people are immobilized for six months each year, according to Le Parisien which reports the information. The Social Security complains of seeing its budget weighed down by these work stoppages which represent 24% of the total daily allowances paid each year, or 3 billion euros.
Anxious to compensate for this shortfall, the Social Security is preparing to launch a campaign with doctors and patients in order to prevent what is considered “the evil of the century”, that is to say “prevent low back pain from become chronic “, explains to Parisian Dominique Polton, director of strategy, studies and statistics of the Cnam of salaried workers.
Relearn the right reflexes in case of back pain
Promoting diagnoses by going to see a specialist, limiting unnecessary back x-rays are some of the recommendations that will be addressed to the French. In this perspective, an English study on the subject, the “Book of the back”, could be distributed in doctors’ offices to patients.
Before going to see a rheumatologist, when the back pain is not too intense, gentle solutions such as yoga, relaxation and mindfulness can help relieve lower back pain.
Also read: Acute or chronic low back pain, what’s the difference?
Back pain: 10 things to do every day
Chronic low back pain: reconditioning with effort