It was a recent BBC documentary that sounded the alarm. In Inside Out: How Safe Is Your Manicure?, British journalists reveal the use of methyl methacrylate (or MMA) in certain beauty salons. However, the substance (frequently used as a glue when applying false nails in capsules) presents a real danger to our health.
Allergic reactions, asthma and tissue destruction
Indeed, this molecule would be so toxic that it would cause permanent damage to the nails as well as severe allergic reactions. “The nail, cuticles and the skin of the surrounding fingers are severely attacked, explains Dr David Orton, member of the Dermatologists’ Association of Great Britain. In addition, MMA can also worsen asthmatic disorders.” In short, a real poison!
At present, methyl methacrylate (which is also used in industrial cement …) is only banned in the United States. Also, the next time you go to a salon to get a nice manicure, don’t forget to check the ingredients list of the products used by your beautician!
Are your nails damaged? Find all our tips to pamper them.