With the new agreement, additional revenue will be between 3,000 and 16,000 euros on average for about fifteen medical specialties, according to the CNAM.
The medical agreement signed in August between the medical unions and the Health Insurance will revalue the income of general practitioners. They will increase in May 2017 from 23 to 25 euros. But specialists will also see their incomes grow, according to data established by the Health Insurance, Nicolas Revel, A response to the criticisms of the unions CSMF (1) and SML (2), who refused to initial this text deemed “discriminating “.
Between the new complex consultations at 46 and 60 euros, the increase in the price for one-off specialist opinions at the request of the attending physician (from 46 to 48 euros in October 2017, then 50 euros in June 2018), additional income (before charges ) will settle between 3,000 and 16,000 euros, on average, for about fifteen specialties, it is believed to know the The Doctor’s Daily.
Different figures depending on the year
Nicolas Revel, the Director of Health Insurance, indicates that these figures will vary according to the discipline and the sector, “the revaluations being more important for doctors not practicing excess fees (sector 1) or committing to limit them via a care access contract (CAS) ”.
The medical agreement signed in August between the medical unions and the Health Insurance will revalue the income of general practitioners. They will increase in May 2017 from 23 to 25 euros. But specialists will also see their incomes grow, according to data established by the Health Insurance, Nicolas Revel, A response to the criticisms of the unions CSMF (1) and SML (2), who refused to initial this text deemed “discriminating “.
Between the new complex consultations at 46 and 60 euros, the increase in the price for one-off specialist opinions at the request of the attending physician (from 46 to 48 euros in October 2017, then 50 euros in June 2018), additional income (before charges ) will settle between 3,000 and 16,000 euros, on average, for about fifteen specialties, it is believed to know the The Doctor’s Daily.
Different figures depending on the year
Nicolas Revel, the Director of Health Insurance, indicates that these figures will vary according to the discipline and the sector, “the revaluations being more important for doctors not practicing excess fees (sector 1) or committing to limit them via a care access contract (CAS) ”.
Thus, a pediatrician in sector 1 or signatory of the CAS will receive 16,000 euros more, against 7,300 euros for a pediatrician having recourse to overruns (sector 2), and a surgeon (sector 1 and CAS) will earn 15,100 euros, against 6,900 euros for his colleagues in sector 2.
75,500 for general practitioners in 2015
For ophthalmologists, these amounts will reach 7,000 and 2,900 euros respectively. And they will be 9,100 euros and 4,500 euros for gynecologists, or even 5,200 and 4,000 euros for cardiologists. As a reminder, the income of liberal doctors (general practitioners and specialists), of 88,500 euros per year on average in 2015, increased by 0.56% compared to 2014, according to the latest figures from the Caisse Autonome de Retraite des Médecins de France (CARMF).
The incomes of the 55,000 general practitioners are even worse and are no longer increasing (+ 0.03%). Those in sector I thus amount to 75,500 euros. For their part, medical specialists do not do much better with incomes which increase slightly (+ 1.18%). They are fixed at 105,700 euros.
(1) Confederation of French Medical Syndicates
(2) Union of Liberal Doctors