“Since January 1, 2015, 151 cases of measles were detected in Alsace. Among them, 10 had to be hospitalized. “It’s official: at this very moment (according to a press release from the prefecture of Alsace published on May 31) the region is facing a particularly virulent measles epidemic.
The disease (which particularly affects the Haut-Rhin department – 68) “continues to spread gradually among the general population, despite joint awareness-raising actions by health authorities and health professionals”.
Insufficient vaccination coverage
The problem ? Insufficient vaccination coverage. Indeed, according to a recent study by the InVS (National Institute for Sanitary Surveillance), Alsatians in particular are poor students in terms of vaccination. Reluctance perhaps due to certain rumors, which wanted that measles vaccine causes autism… Rumors (obviously) unfounded.
Caused by a paramyxovirus, measles most often affects young children in winter or spring. In 60% of cases, the child is cured without sequelae, if he has received the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine the first time at 12 months, then twice again, at 16 and 18 months. If not treated in time, measles can degenerate, especially encephalitis. And you, are you up to date?
In the United States, too, measles is wreaking havoc …
Should we be worried about the return of measles? Prof. Daniel Floret answers all our questions.