Organic hamburgers have been withdrawn from sale. Traces of E-coli bacteria were detected.
Be careful, contaminated hamburger. The society The organic meat counter, manufacturer of the offending products, is withdrawing from sale organic steaks from the Le Paysan Bio and La Vie Claire brands, in which traces of E-Coli bacteria have been detected.
“The company Le comptoir des meats bio is withdrawing from sale and a recall of: organic ground beef steak 125G 5% MG AND 15% MG from the Le Paysan Bio and La Vie Claire brands”, details the processor specializing in organic meat in a press release.
These are products marketed between August 31, 2016 and September 9, 2016 in the form of vacuum bags and modified atmosphere trays. The batches concerned bear the numbers P35BO00008, P35BO00009, P35BO00010 and P35BO00011, with a use-by date of September 6 for trays under modified atmosphere, and September 9 for vacuum bags.
“Some of these products were marketed before the withdrawal measure,” says the manufacturer. All the products have been withdrawn from the market. However, some of these products were marketed before the withdrawal measure. It is therefore recommended to people who hold these products not to consume them, to destroy them and to be reimbursed, ”the statement added.
Last August, the French distributor Système U carried out a similar operation after the presence ofE.coli 026 H11 in Bien Vu brand hamburgers.