The overseas territories and the metropolis are not in the same boat when it comes to sugar consumption. We are no longer overseas sugar addict quite simply because we eat more of it, even without knowing it. The fault of the food companies which add sugar in food products sold overseas, compared to the same products sold in metropolitan France. It is to put an end to this imbalance that the deputies are examining a bill on Wednesday. This harmonization of the sugar level should work towards overweight preventionand obesity, real public health problems overseas.
The difference between ultra-marine and French sweet products is significant: an orange soda sold in Guadeloupe contains 47% more sugar compared to a soda sold in mainland France! The law provides for prohibiting this addition of sugar in products sold overseas
Another more surprising difference that should be upgraded: the use-by dates, much longer overseas than in France. Allow 55 days for a yogurt overseas against 30 days in metropolitan France.
Overseas, 1 in 2 adults are overweight
Overseas, 25% of children and more than one in two adults are considered overweight or even obese. This overconsumption of sugar could partly explain this excess weight. Excessive absorption of simple sugars, in particular sucrose, contained in sodas, fruit juices, yogurts, dairy desserts, cookies and sweets promotes the imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, which increases the risk of obesity.
>> To read also: Slimming: 5 tips to calm your desire for sweet
Tips for eating less sweet