Vaccination against Covid-19 continues in France. More than a quarter of the population is now fully vaccinated according to the latest official figures from the Ministry of Health.
25.4% of the French population fully vaccinated against Covid-19
According to figures published this Wednesday, June 16, 2021 by the Ministry of Health, more than a quarter of the French population is now fully vaccinated against Covid-19. In fact, 16,953,092 people have a complete vaccination schedule. This means that 25.4% of French people have received two injections (or only one if they have been vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine which is carried out by single dose).
In addition, 46.4% of the total population and 59.2% of the major population in France has already received at least one injection of one of the vaccines available against Covid-19 since the start of the vaccination campaign which started last December. This represents 31,083,259 people according to a press release from the ministry. Figures that tend to increase since since Tuesday, June 15, adolescents aged 12 to 17 are now eligible for vaccination with Pfizer serum.