People who consume pornographic content on a regular and intense basis tend to take more risks during their sexual activity, according to a study.
Pornography interests science. On several occasions, studies have attempted to assess its impact on the sexual behavior of consumers, especially among the youngest. Because researchers know it: pornographic content has an influence on the representation of sexuality, as much as on its practice.
This time, Australian scientists investigated the link between pornography and risky sexual behavior in adults. In a literature review, published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, they sift through 17 studies devoted to the question over the past twenty years.
Excitement too intense
Researchers conclude that there is a strong association between pornography consumption and risk-taking during sexual activity. Thus, a person who regularly views pornographic content would be less inclined to use a condom. She would also multiply partners and overnight adventures, exposing herself to increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
However, not all pornography enthusiasts are unconscious practitioners. “The correlation is true to a certain extent, nuance Sylvain Mimoun, gyneco-obstetrician and sexologist. It is observed in people who have developed an addiction to pornography and who regularly expose themselves, over a prolonged period, to pornographic content ”.
Thus, the excitement would be so intense in these people that they would simply forget to use condoms. “To think about these kinds of precautions, you have to have your feet on the ground,” continues Sylvain Mimoun. However, addiction to pornography generates such intoxication that it takes the subject out of reality. Pleasure takes precedence over reflection ”. As for the multiplication of partners, it could be explained by a “search for novelty, for surprise, which leads to excitement”.
When the actors put on a condom
In this risk-taking, the very content of pornographic films plays a role. Actors who do not wear a condom could thus inspire consumers who, by imitation, would end up altering their own perception of risk. Some states seem to have taken this into account. In California, in the middle of “Sex Valley”, the condom is required on the shoots of pornographic films, despite protests from the porn industry.
But this mimetic effect has its limits. “In fact, many films show sex with a condom, especially in France,” explains Sylvain Mimoun. Not sure that the addicts notify it or do the same… ”.
“Some patients got really scared…”
In the Australian study, the authors point out certain methodological limitations – too small samples, missing follow-up… “Significant improvements are needed in this area of research”, they explain.
But on the ground, Sylvain Mimoun confirms the impact of pornography on this risk taking. “Some patients, 30 or 40 years old, realize that they have become less and less careful as their addiction to pornography has set in. Before that, they protected themselves ”.
Others consult the sex therapist to discuss exclusively this risk-taking, even before talking about addiction. “The cases are quite rare. But some explain that after the fact, they got really scared. They come to protect themselves ”.