A study published in the Christmas edition of the BMJ shows for the first time that men are more willing to act stupid and dangerous than women.
That’s it, it’s official, men are dumber than women! In any case, this is what a study supports published in the Christmas edition of British Medical Journal (BMJ). To arrive at these results, researchers at Newcastle University analyzed who – men or women – had most often won the Darwin Awards, these prizes (humorous but referring to real events) awarded to people who found death in a particularly … stupid way.
Silly Male Theory
There is, for example, this man who covered his face with a can of golden paint in order to commit a hold-up and who died of suffocation by the toxic fumes of the aerosol. Or those two Belgian bank robbers who used dynamite to steal the contents of a cash machine, dynamite which caused the entire building to collapse, causing them to perish under the debris …
Researchers found that 90% of Darwin Award winners were men. Of the 332 prizes, 14 were shared by men and women (mostly over-adventurous couples), 282 were given to men and only 36 to women. “If we are to believe the” male idiot theory “(in English, a play on words with the prestigious MIT), many of the differences that we observe between men and women in terms of behavior at risk, emergency room admissions, the death rate can be explained by the fact that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things, ”explains Dr Denis Lendrem, of the University of Newcastle.
Dead because of his own letter bomb
Doctor Lendrem defines the fact of “taking risks in an idiotic way” as the fact of “taking senseless risks for a result which is a priori negligible or non-existent, and whose finality is always extremely negative and often fatal”. This is the case of this man who opened a letter bomb that he had sent himself and which had been returned to him by post because the stamp was missing …
The Darwin Awards annually reward people who, “dead or sterilized as a result of particularly stupid behavior on their part, are thus distinguished (most often posthumously) for having, in this way, contributed to the overall improvement of human genetic heritage. “
The Christmas edition of the BMJ in which this study is published is known to present humorous studies (although their methodology remains perfectly scientific). A study published in 2013 had shown that Wagner’s operas followed the rhythm of his migraines, or that James Bond is an alcoholic.