Monday, October 28, 2019
As millions of people are infected with the flu virus every year, more and more companies are offering to be vaccinated in the workplace.
The flu vaccine supported by the company
The influenza virus affects approximately 2 million people each year. An epidemic can push that number up to 8 million. While the vaccination campaign began on October 15 and will end on January 31, 2020, companies are increasingly vaccinating employees at their workplace.
Vaccination is helpful in lowering the risk of getting the flu virus. It is recommended to be vaccinated in October or November. Patricia Ourmiah, from the Klesia group, a specialist in these issues of epidemics in business, affirms on France Info : ” 16% of workers are contaminated at their workplace “. In Europe, the flu can be responsible for 10% of absences on average.
Avoid epidemics in the workplace
By taking charge of the vaccine, companies want to protect their business and prevent malfunctions in their services. Absences cause significant productivity losses. Patricia Ourmiah adds: ” the flu is between two and 12 million lost working days “. In addition, employees who return after the flu are generally less productive. Companies also want to do something for their employees by taking care of their health.
The flu shot costs 10 euros. It’s an effort for companies, but some social protection groups cover this vaccination. Vaccination is still mostly offered by large companies. However, it is often the SMEs that are the most penalized when the flu affects many employees.
Stephanie Haerts
Read also: 10 things to know about the flu