The Roundup weedkiller could be the cause of gluten intolerance, which affects nearly 500,000 people in France.
An American study, led by Anthony Samsel and Stéphanie Seneff reveals that gluten intolerance is due to glyphosate, the main ingredient of the Roundup weedkiller marketed by Monsanto, while environmental activists have questioned the toxicity of this herbicide for years.
Glyphosate implicated
After performing tests on freshwater fish, the researchers found that “glyphosate, the main active compound in the herbicide Roundup, is the most important factor in this epidemic.” “Fish exposed to glyphosate developed digestive problems reminiscent of celiac disease, due to inhibition of enzymes, disruption of the synthesis of aromatic amino acids and deficiencies in iron, cobalt or copper.”
According to this study, many of these symptoms could be explained by glyphosate, an ingredient in the herbicide “Roundup”. This substance would have a toxic effect on the intestine and the liver of the animals exposed, by the destruction of the benign intestinal flora. It would also play a negative role in the absorption of certain molecules essential for the functioning of cells and organs such as zinc and iron.
These results led the researchers to question the US government on the toxicity of glyphosate.
1 in 20 people are glucose intolerant
Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a digestive disease causing progressive destruction of the small intestine, caused by the absorption of a protein found in many grains. This disease, which mainly affects North America and Europe, is therefore due to the intolerance of one or more protein fractions of gluten.
According to the Afdiag (French association of gluten intolerant), it has spread a lot in recent years, and would affect nearly one in twenty people in North America and Europe. The main symptoms are nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea followed by weight loss, anemia, depression, kidney and thyroid failure, infertility and cancer.
A strict diet, eliminating all traces of gluten from the diet in some cases eliminates these symptoms, and is to date the only possible treatment.