The 03/18/2016
Australian Andrew Flinders Taylor started on 1er January a “potato diet”, hoping to change her relationship to food and cure her addiction to it.
His challenge? Eat only potatoes for a year.
Since starting his diet, the man who initially weighed 150 kg has lost 10, claims to feel much better and has become a real internet phenomenon with more than 6,000 likes on his Facebook page and more than 2000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, where he shares his adventure.
Andrew cooks his daily potatoes in different ways, but without adding too many herbs or spices: “the idea is not to cook something interesting, it is on the contrary to make food something. uninteresting thing so I don’t think about it, ”says Andrew.
What does our nutritionist think Audrey Cyr?
“During the days when we practice such a diet (also called mono-diet due to the consumption of a single food), the calorie intake is much too low to reach the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals. There is therefore a significant risk of deficiency, especially if it is followed for a year! The American College of Sports Medicine states that women should consume at least 1,200 calories per day, and men should consume at least 1,800 calories per day to meet all vitamin and mineral requirements, primarily vitamin C, E, calcium. and magnesium, valuable nutrients important to our health. It is therefore not recommended to follow this diet for several days.
In addition, the weight lost is mainly water because the body is emptied of its glycogen reserves. The protein intakes are very low in the potato, which can also lead to muscle wasting.
Our bodies need all the nutrients, every day: healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals to function well. However, no food contains all these nutrients and it is for this reason that it is recommended to eat everything. There is also no single food that contains the nine essential amino acids to build the proteins that make up our muscles, nails, hair fibers, etc. “
Although the potato contains a lot of fiber and a profusion of vitamins and minerals, when we eat the same food over and over again, we are necessarily missing out on the nutrients our body needs.
Andrew lost weight because he obviously stopped eating fatty, low-quality foods. In addition, he has completely removed the notion of pleasure from meals, which does not make him very eager to eat, so he is probably eating less.
Although he is feeling fine today, he will have various deficiencies in a few weeks or months.