Virtual life on social networks does not leave users indifferent. Some Facebook posts or photos might even affect mental health by increasing the risk of depression and depression. We understand better why Facebook has just launched a new suicide prevention button.
A new study from the University of California in the United States has just discovered that social networks and in particular “likes” exert an influence on the behavior of adolescents.
Through the analysis of the brains of 32 adolescents, the researchers observed the impact of photographs having received a greater or lesser number of “likes” on brain activity.
Unsurprisingly, the most popular and loved photos (with a large number of likes) resulted in increased brain activity, especially in the reward, imitation, and attention area. The young participants were more likely to “like” in their turn photos which had already received this positive appreciation en masse.
Facebook, a double-edged influence
Problem, experience has shown that photos showing risky behaviors (drugs, alcohol), and which had many “likes” triggered the same cerebral reaction in adolescents. Further proof that the impact of social networks is double-edged.
The study appeared in the journal Psychological Science.
Read also: Facebook, as addictive as cocaine?
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