A bag in your stomach
An umbilical hernia is a condition that often affects children. It is a bulge of peritoneum through a weakened spot in the abdominal wall under the skin near the navel. Usually it can’t hurt and it just looks a little weird. All about the umbilical hernia.
An umbilical hernia – better known as an umbilical hernia – is a break in the abdominal wall at the level of the navel. A bump can be seen at the site of the fracture. This can take on different sizes. An umbilical hernia consists of three parts:
- hernia gate (the defect in the abdominal wall)
- fracture sac (the bulge that came out through the fracture port)
- fracture content (content of the fracture bag)
The greater the fraction, the greater the chance that a piece gut gets pinched. The pinched part can then die.
An umbilical hernia can be congenital. It is then very rarely serious in nature and usually heals on its own within three years without medical intervention. Entrapment of the intestines almost never occurs here. If it has not healed after three years, surgery is considered. Especially in girls, because they are more likely to become pregnant at a later age pregnancy may have complications.
In addition to congenital, an umbilical hernia can also be acquired. An acquired umbilical hernia refers to children older than 12 years and adults. The causes for this form of umbilical hernia are: pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, (a lot of) heavy lifting and cough. It can also be caused by straining during a difficult bowel movement.
An umbilical hernia does not have to be dangerous. So you can grow old with it. You can consider surgery for the following reasons:
- You have a crushed fracture.
- You are in a lot of pain.
- You don’t think it looks nice (cosmetic).
If your umbilical hernia is smaller than one centimeter, you can have primary stitches. This means that the doctor puts the hernia sac and contents back into your abdominal cavity – fat will be removed – after which the hernia port is stitched.
If your umbilical hernia is larger than one centimeter, a plastic mesh is used. This mat is sutured at the site of the fracture, but can also be glued. This is done by means of a special tissue glue.
In most cases you will stay in the hospital for a day. Sometimes the doctor can keep you overnight if necessary.
After surgery there is a risk of wound infection and/or bleeding. 10 percent of patients will suffer from an umbilical hernia again.