The access to care contract aimed at limiting excess fees for sector 2 doctors will become effective in a few days.
The access to care contract which provides for limiting abuses in excess fees for doctors in sector 2 will become effective! Representatives of liberal doctors’ unions, health insurance and complementary health insurance, on Thursday ratified its entry into force, provided for in the medical convention.
For the system to be put in place, the healthcare access contract had to collect the signature of at least a third of eligible doctors (i.e. around 8,300 practitioners out of 25,000). This is now done, since according to the last Health Insurance count made on Thursday and sent to the Medical Press Agency, 8,611 contracts were concluded and the rate of signatures reached 120 to 150 per day.
The underwriting physicians undertake to freeze their prices
This access to care contract offers sector 2 doctors and former titled practitioners (heads of clinics, assistants) of sector 1 to commit for three years to freeze and then gradually reduce their average rate of excess, as well as to respect a certain activity rate at opposable tariffs. Only doctors can subscribe to it who undertake not to charge double the opposable rate.
In return, they will benefit from reduced social contributions (an average of 4,300 euros per year), as well as an alignment of the reimbursement basis for their acts with those of sector 1.
And in this system, patients will also win. Those who consult a specialist adhering to the access to care contract will thus be reimbursed on the basis of 28 euros, as is the case with sector 1 specialists, and no longer on the basis of 23 euros. They will then receive 18.60 euros from social security and no longer 15.10 euros as before.
More than 2 out of 3 contracts signed by medical specialists
According to Health Insurance, around 70% of contracts were concluded by specialists and 30% by general practitioners. The proportion varies according to the specialties. There is more than 50% subscription among nephrologists, anatomo-cyto-pathologists, general practitioners, radiologists, neurologists, and pulmonologists. In addition, this share is around 33% among gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and pediatricians. However, it drops to 20% among anesthesiologists, rheumatologists, psychiatrists, obstetricians-gynecologists, ENT specialists, and surgeons.
In addition, around 550 hospital doctors have subscribed to the healthcare access contract, or 40% of eligible doctors.
Several technical steps remain to be taken before the device is fully operational. It is a matter of a few days, assure the singers.