Love does not disappear with the arrival of a child, but it requires adjustments.
The arrival of a child is an overwhelming step in the life of a couple. Between chopped nights, new responsibilities and daily reorganization, it is easy to leave your couple aside. However, it is possible to continue to feed love and complicity, even with a baby at home.
Changes in couple life
The arrival of a child upsets the organization of everyday life. Fatigue accumulates, moments of leisure two disappear and intimacy can suffer. It is common for young parents to feel tensions linked to the management of new responsibilities or to disagreement on education.
The partner’s perception can also evolve: we discover the other in his role as a parent, with his strengths and weaknesses. These changes are natural and can strengthen the couple if communication remains open and benevolent.
The importance of giving time to your couple
In the whirlwind of everyday life, it is essential to give yourself moments for two. These are not necessarily great romantic gestures, but small regular attentions reminiscent that the couple exists beyond parenting.
An accomplice look, a tender message, a discussion before sleeping or a tête-on-one meal may be enough to maintain the connection. When possible, organizing an outing, even short, allows you to find yourself outside the parental frame. The important thing is to maintain a balance between parents’ life and that of lovers.
A beneficial love for the child
A child needs to see his parents love each other to give him a feeling of security and show him a healthy relational model. It is therefore important that the couple continues to manifest affection, whether through tender gestures or benevolent words.
If the child expresses reluctance to see his parents spend romantic time, it is useful to reassure him in his unique place in the family. Explain to him that parental love and marital love are different but complementary will help him better understand this family dynamic.
Find out more: “Baby Clash: how to protect your couple after baby” by Mélina Lecluze-Amorotti.