Researchers have developed an “intelligent pajamas” to monitor sleep disorders and be able to detect some, such as sleep apnea, in a less invasive way.
- Researchers have just developed an “intelligent pajamas” to analyze sleep – and possible disorders – of those who wear it.
- This device is equipped with sensors that analyze breathing, thanks to skin movements.
- These data is then processed by artificial intelligence (IA) of pajamas, called Sleepnet, which can identify six sleep states with a precision of 98.6 %.
Soon, patients may just have to put on their pajamas to find out if they suffer from sleep apnea! In any case, this is the goal of researchers of theUniversity of Cambridgewhich have just developed an “intelligent pajamas” to analyze sleep – and any disorders – of those who wear it. Their work was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sleep disorders: the “need” of a comfortable and easy -to -use device “to detect them
“”Poor sleep has considerable effects on our physical and mental health, which is why adequate sleep surveillance is essential ”, Indicates Professor Luigi Occhininti of Cambridge Graphine Center, one of the authors, in a press release. For the moment, the devices to confirm the diagnosis of a sleep disorder in a patient are quite restrictive.
For the apnea-hypopnea syndrome obstructive sleep (or Sahos) for example, the patient must produce, in a specialized or home center, either a nocturnal ventilatory polygraph (recording of breathing for at least six hours with a nasal pressure sensor and abdominal and thoracic belts), or polysomnography (with electroencephalogram, Electromyogram, electro-operator, electrocardiogram, etc.). These examinations remain restrictive to carry out.
“”We need something that is comfortable and easy to use every night, but that is precise enough to provide significant information on sleep quality”Said Professor Luigi Occhininti. It is therefore to offer a more comfortable alternative to patients that he has developed a new device with his research team.
An effective “intelligent pajamas” at 98.6 % to identify 6 sleep states
Scientists have developed a new “smart pajamas”. This is equipped with sensors that analyze breathing, thanks to skin movements. These data are then processed by artificial intelligence (AI) of pajamas, called Sleepnet, which can identify six sleep states: nasal breathing, oral breathing, teeth, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, Central sleep apnea and Sahos. At the end, all the information collected by pajamas and analyzed by its AI can directly be transferred to a computer or a smartphone.
Is this device effective? Yes, at 98.6 %, according to the researchers who tested it on healthy people and patients with sleep apnea. The “intelligent pajamas” was able to detect these six sleep states with a precision of 98.6 %. Encouraging results for a device that scientists hope to be able to adapt to various sleep diseases but also to other uses, such as the surveillance of babies.