In its latest Bulletin, Public Health France notes “a significant resurgence” of invasive meningococcal infections due, in particular, of the strong influenza epidemic.
- Public Health France indicates in its latest bulletin that the 2024-2025 season marks a “significant resurgence of invasive meningococcal infections.”
- According to authority, there were 615 cases of invasive meningococcal infections in 2024 and 90 in 2025.
- Last January, the increase in cases “could be partly linked to the particularly important influenza epidemic during the 2024-2025 season.”
The 2024-2025 season marks a “Significant resurgence of invasive meningococcal infections (IIM)”Indicates Public Health France (SPF) in its last bulletin. In 2024, throughout the territory, there were 615 cases of IIM. This figure “corresponding to the greatest annual number of cases since 2010”, Underlines authority.
The flu virus increases the risk of invasive meningococcal infection
For 2025, the data – still unconstolidated – report 90 cases for this start of the year, which is equivalent to the peak reached in December 2022. At the time, the health context was as follows: “A post-Pandemia rebound from COVID-19 and a marked influenza epidemic associated with the large circulation of other respiratory viruses (SARS-COV-2 and VRS)“Indicates Public Health France.
This year too, another virus could be involved. Indeed, the authority indicates that the resurgence of cases in January 2025 “could be partly linked to the particularly important flu epidemic during the 2024-2025 season” because “Infections by the flu virus can increase the risk of invasive meningococcal infection“.
“Meningococcal vaccination is compulsory for infants since January 1”
Faced with the increase in meningitis cases, the Minister of Health, Yannick Neuder, called on Friday to intensify the vaccination of children and adolescents. During a visit to a maternal and infantile protection center (PMI) in Paris, he reported “To parents, to the nursing community, educational, that vaccination against meningococci has been compulsory for infants since January 1. (…) It may not yet be tested enough. Vaccination is a subject whose benefits must be constantly recalled, especially in the country of pastor. “He admitted that” the vaccine calendar is very complex “. In adolescents, a dose of recall against meningococcal – against strains A, C, W and Y – is now recommended between 11 and 14 years old, even if they received this vaccine when they were younger.
Meningitis, a serious and sometimes fatal infection
Meningococcal infections can be serious. Their mortality rate is high, about 10 % according to thePasteur Institute. Last year, there were 50 deaths in France, between July 2024 and January 2025, “ie a global lethality of 13.7 %“, Indicates Public Health France. In January 2025, 13 people died of meningitis,”mainly in adults including young adults“.
As a reminder, meningitis is an infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms: stiff neck, fever, headache, confusion or alteration of the mental state, nausea and vomiting. Bacteria responsible for meningitis can also infect blood and lead to a very dangerous septic state for the patient.
According to The World Health Organization (WHO)“One in five survivors to an episode of bacterial meningitis can have lasting consequences”. Among these complications are convulsive crises, vision disorders, hearing loss, etc.