The right and the left are generally opposed to surrogacy and yet they continue to lash out on the subject. A new pass of arms on the subject should be played today in the National Assembly. It is a bill from UMP deputy Jean Léonetti which risks setting fire to the powder. The text aims to strengthen the criminal penalties around surrogacy. La Croix deciphers the real issue of this text, co-signed by 150 elected officials from the right and left, but rejected by the law commission.
Concretely, the sentences would be doubled for the agencies which “organize this trafficking in human beings” and for the intended parents, i.e. one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros. And justice could even take sanctions when the parents are only at the canvassing stage. For Jean Léonetti, this toughening of the legislation is nothing more than a response to the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights which compels France to register children born from surrogacy in the civil registry. the stranger.
And although a majority of left-wing deputies oppose surrogacy, Jean Léonetti’s initiative is in great danger of being rejected. “Couples are so motivated that the prospect of a prison sentence is not enough to discourage them”, declares Erwann Binet, the former rapporteur of the law on marriage for all in La Croix. illusions about his text, but he persists, because he wants to push the majority, “accused of having contradictory positions on surrogacy, to clarify his speech”, explains Le Figaro.
On the left, we do not believe in the penalization of the actors of the system, but in negotiations at the international level. In other words, to push the countries which authorize the GPA not to grant “the benefit of this mode of procreation to the nationals of the countries which prohibit it”, as Manuel Valls had suggested in La Croix on October 3 last. The problem is that the political will is very likely to come up against the reality of the law. Indeed, following the declaration of the Prime Minister, several jurists had made it known that such a ban could well be impossible to put in place. In other words, we are treading water on surrogacy, but society continues to divide…