A delicious lunch, which is on the table in half an hour. But with baguettes and a little extra filling, this Caesar salad with mussels also serves as a light evening meal.
1 kg mussels
75 ml white wine
1/2 bunch of celery leaves
3 eggs
2 slices of white casino bread, without crust
4 tbsp olive oil
1 anchovy fillet in oil (tin), drained
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 heads of little gem or lettuce hearts
1 red onion, in rings
3 tbsp Parmesan cheese, flaked
- Check the mussels: throw away shells that are broken or that don’t close after a firm tap. Place the mussels with the wine and celery in a large, high pan. Grind pepper generously. Cook the mussels with lid for 6-8 minutes, or until all the shells are open.
- Boil the eggs hard for 8 minutes and cut them into wedges. Cut the bread into cubes and toss with 1 tbsp olive oil. Toast the bread in a dry frying pan until golden brown and crispy. Sprinkle the croutons with salt.
- Chop the anchovy fillet into small pieces and beat with the lemon juice, the remaining 3 tbsp olive oil and the mayonnaise to a smooth dressing. Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Wash the lettuce and divide the leaves among 4 plates. Divide the mussels with the egg segments, the onion rings and the croutons over the lettuce. Spoon the dressing over the salad and sprinkle with the Parmesan flakes.
Tip: add fried strips of bacon and tomato wedges for a meal salad. Delicious with crusty baguette.
Recipe and picture: Dutch Mussel Bureau
Number of persons
30 minutes