Diagnosis: how does it work?
Despite technological and medical advances, the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is still difficult to establish. To detect the disease, doctors first perform memory tests, then confirm this pre-diagnosis with a lumbar puncture (to measure the level of two proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid) or a PET-SCAN (which allows to trace brain abnormalities using a radioactive product). An MRI of the brain completes these examinations by checking whether the hippocampus (the area of the brain responsible for memory) has decreased or not.
Signs that can alert
With age, cognitive functions slow down. Also, when you start forgetting words or appointments, you shouldn’t give in to panic and say to yourself “it’s Alzheimer’s disease”. “When you care about your memory but family members aren’t worried, it’s very often a sign of aging. If the person themselves doesn’t notice any change but those around them do. know, this can be a first sign of Alzheimer’s disease” writes Isabelle Colleau in her book Alzheimer’s, practical guide for better care (Josette Lyon editions)
The evolution of the disease is specific to each and can be gentle and discreet for 8 to 10 years. “For example, a person who loves to prepare good desserts will take longer to prepare ingredients and to make his cake, whereas he knows the recipe inside out and has made it many times “explains Isabelle Colleau.
Certain signs can indicate to loved ones that the disease is indeed there:
- The vocabulary is reduced, the person has more and more difficulty starting a conversation;
- Simple answers (yes/no) to simple questions become misunderstood;
- Non-verbal gestures, grunts or moans signal embarrassment or lack;
- Sleep disturbances or emotional disturbances appear;
- Motor and intellectual abilities are very slow;
- Anxiety is more and more present.
“Some people can also walk around naked without feeling the slightest embarrassment when they were very modest. Gently, they lock themselves in their own bubble, in their world where past, reality and fantasies mix” adds the founder of the Tout’Alzheimer association.
Read also :
- Alzheimer’s disease spotted 18 years before the first signs
- One out of two Alzheimer’s patients is not treated
- Alzheimer’s: personality changes could predict the disease
- Will the ophthalmologist screen for Alzheimer’s disease?
- 5 good habits to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
- An algorithm to predict Alzheimer’s disease