Pharmacist Sonja Keizers answers
Pharmacist Sonja Keizers answers questions about medicines. This Time: What Side Effects Does Prednisolone Have?
I (75) have been taking the drug prednisolone for ten years. Initially this was 20 mg per day, since five years only 5 mg per day. I notice that my skin is getting thinner. Are there any other consequences?
Prednisolone is a powerful drug that suppresses inflammation. The downside is the side effects. The most important are an increase in sugar levels, fluid retention, gastrointestinal complaints, muscle weakness, osteoporosis and increased intraocular pressure. At high doses and a long treatment duration, more side effects are to be expected. Usually, with long-term use, an attempt is made to reduce to 5 mg per day, as with you. This is a ‘physiologic’ dose, meaning it is roughly equivalent to what the adrenal glands normally produce in similar hormones. Then there are far fewer side effects.
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