Young children are at risk of strangling themselves on cords from window blinds. British pediatricians are sounding the alarm.
Blind cords can be the cause of strangulation in children. This is the alert launched by British pediatricians. In the journal Archives of disease of childhood, these doctors estimate that in the United Kingdom, “one or two children die each year from strangulation because of these cords. And these numbers are probably underestimated, ”they add. According to official US data, no less than 200 babies and young children have died accidentally in such circumstances.
The authors of this study point out that babies between 16 and 36 months are particularly at risk of strangling with cords from blinds. Indeed, at this age, “they have relatively large heads compared to the rest of their body, softer tracheae, and less developed muscle control than an adult, which can prevent them from removing the cord around them. by the neck “. The British association of blind manufacturers has already published recommendations for using these devices safely. It is obviously necessary to prevent these cords from dragging on the floor and to install such blinds above a child’s bed.