Sugary drinks are even more harmful than we thought, screening for colorectal cancer is very insufficient in France and the United States, most HIV infections are due to people who do not know they are HIV-positive or not treated: here is the news of the day.
Sugary drinks increase the risk of dying young
According to a large, long-term study of Americans, the more sugary drinks people consume, the greater their risk of dying prematurely, particularly from cardiovascular disease. The risk of early death related to the consumption of sugary drinks was more pronounced in women. “Our results again indicate that sugar-sweetened beverages should be limited and replaced with other beverages, preferably water, to improve overall health and longevity,” Vasanti said. Malik, director of research. More info in our article.
Screening for colorectal cancer is still very insufficient
Screening for colorectal cancer is still very insufficient, according to Santé Publique France. The latest data for the period 2017-2018 show that only 32.1% of men and women aged 50 to 74 who should take this step take part. The participation rate was 33.5% for the 2016-2017 period and around 31-32% for previous periods, figures well below the European benchmark of 45%. To learn more, click here.
In the United States, 80% of HIV infections are due to people who do not know they are HIV-positive or untreated
This is a figure that is as relentless as it is worrying: in the United States, 80% of HIV infections occur through people who are unaware of their HIV status or who know they are sick but are not receiving any treatment. This is highlighted by a new study of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), based on data from 2016. Commissioned by the government of Donald Trump, it estimates in detail that 38% of contaminations come from HIV-positive people who do not know their status, and that 43% come from people who know their status but do not receive treatment for HIV. HIV. We tell you more here.