Researchers have compiled the results of 56 studies on products containing sweeteners, and find that none provide sufficiently clear results on their benefits.
“Light” soda, “light” yogurt, “light” biscuit: today, supermarket shelves are overflowing with low-sugar, even sugar-free products. They actually contain sweeteners. Many contradictory studies exist on their subject, European university researchers wanted to understand what were the real benefits of these products. Their findings, published in the British Medical Journalshow that there is no evidence of the health benefits of these products.
Statistically unproven differences
The researchers compiled 56 comparative studies on sugar-free sweeteners. They involved both children and adults. They looked at potential health consequences by analyzing data on weight, body mass index, blood sugar, oral health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver disease and mood. According to their results, there is generally no statistically proven difference between those who consume it and those who do not consume it. The dose consumed did not change anything either.
Incomplete studies
Despite the numerous studies carried out on the subject, none gathers sufficient statistical evidence. One of the studies, for example, found that consuming sugar-free sweeteners improved body mass index and fasting blood sugar, but European researchers said the study was not comprehensive enough to that these results are clinically significant. They established the same observation for all of this research.
Further research is needed
According to their conclusions, more research is needed on sugar-free sweeteners, over the longer term, to better understand what the real benefits of these products are. The objective remains to reduce the health risks of heavy consumers of sugary products.
Low-sugar products are the subject of concern from the scientific community. According to some, they could increase the risk of diabetes and obesity, for others, they would increase the risk of stroke.