European Immunization Week started yesterday and will run until April 29. Its objective is to remind people of the benefits of getting vaccinated, for themselves and for others, and thus to increase the protection of the population. In France, adherence to vaccination is declining.
In this context, the French Public Health Institute and the Ministry of Health are putting a new website on this topic online. It is intended to provide all the scientific reference information on the subject to inform the general public.
Inform to join
According to the 2016 Intermediate Health Barometer, 75% of 15-75 year olds say they are in favor of vaccination. However, membership goes with the feeling of being well informed, hence the need to provide reliable and scientifically validated information. The vaccination coverage of children is still rather good in France. It is nearly 97% for diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, whooping cough and Haemophilus influenzae infections. Coverage against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR vaccine) reaches 90% of the population, but this is only the first dose, and it remains below the recommendations. Vaccination against hepatitis is also increasing, but still remains a source of reserves, as is the vaccine against seasonal flu and that against cancer of the cervix (human papillomavirus).
The Public Health France site is already online and lists the vaccines available in France, the diseases concerned as well as the vaccination schedule, and answers frequently asked questions.
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