In a press release dated November 17, the National Mutual of Hospitallers and Health Professionals (MNH) unveils a survey by the BVA Opinion Institute on various aspects of French health. In a way, it represents the “French health record for the month of November”.
Carried out on a representative sample of 1,083 people, aged 18 and over, the survey reveals that the French are ready to consume generics systematically, that 27% will be vaccinated against flu before winter, and self-medication decreases.
Generics to reduce the deficit
In a context of budgetary restrictions, the French say they are mostly ready to change their health habits, to reduce the deficit of Health Insurance. They are thus 58% to accept to consume only drugs generics as of now, and 27% after a discussion on this subject with their attending physician, ie 85% in all favorable to “all generics”.
Regarding their spending on health, the study shows that nearly 6 in 10 French people had to deal with health expenditure during the month (59%), for an average cost of € 75.60, compared to € 76.30 in October. However, 73% of French people believe that health spending does not constitute a real burden in their monthly budget.
27% of French people vaccinated against influenza
If this survey is purely statistical, it still reveals astonishing figures. Thus, 15% of French people fear catching flu this winter, and 18-24 year olds are the most anxious about it.
Among the 27% of French people who will probably be vaccinated, 13% will not be their first time, and 14% at least intend to. On the other hand, no surprise concerning the age group: 60% of people protected by winter will be people aged 65 years.
Better form and less self-medication
According to the survey, 81% of French people consider themselves “in good shape”, against 75% last month. 24% of French people have been affected by a health concern during at least, against 28% in early October. And when they are sick, 53% of them go to their doctor, a figure up from the previous month.
Finally, a sign that the winter viruses are fiercer and more feared, only 13% of those questioned treated themselves by practicing self-medication, against 17% in October.
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