The relationship the French have with cannabis is changing, as one ifop survey for Echo Citoyen and Terra Nova. Conducted with a representative sample of the population of 2005 adults, this survey first illustrates the inclination of the French to use the therapeutic cannabis. 82% say they are in favor of prescribing prescription cannabis to treat some diseases. Along the same lines, 56% of respondents want social security reimbursement.
This survey also allowed us to learn more about the opinion of the French and cannabis as a drug. Thus half would be in favor of a “controlled opening”, where the State would be in charge of regulating the cannabis market by setting “rules concerning its production, distribution and consumption while maintaining its ban in certain cases” (in the occurrence, while driving, in public places and for minors). Only 21% of respondents do not want to change the current law.
15 million French people have already consumed it
Today, the law prohibits the consumption, production and sale of cannabis with a THC value exceeding 0.2%. The consequences of consumption are about to harden with a bill authorizing the immediate verbalization of an amount of 300 euros for the consumer. However, according to this survey, 15 million French adults have already consumed it at least once. Their opinion concerning the dangerousness of cannabis is also surprising since they consider cannabis to be less dangerous than cigarette and hardly more harmful than alcohol. Besides that, the French are aware of the effects on health and that the consumption of this drug has negative consequences on road safety, education, professional life, couple life and sociability.
Read also :
Greece to allow medical cannabis
Epilepsy: US health authorities approve cannabis drug