As in our intestine, our skin is also home to a microbiota, which changes according to our lifestyle habits. Here are some tips for taking care of it.
We’ve suspected this since Hypocrates, but more and more studies show that there is a link between lifestyle (diet, stress, physical activity, drugs, alcohol, tobacco) and the intestinal microbiota. “The cutaneous microbiota also harbors a large microbial community that varies according to physiology, topography and environment. explains Dr. Sylvie Peres, dermatologist and co-founder of Alaena. Here are his tips for preserving it:
1- a gentle cleansing with a cold saponification soap (mango & avocado soap) which causes a pH balance and regulates the microbiota.
2 – do not use aggressive preservatives (phenoxyethanol), or emulsifying detergents such as PEG, polysorbate, pentylene or propylene glycol.
3 – do not use either mineral oils, silicones or acrylic derivatives known to disturb the skin flora.
4 – stay closer to nature with natural and certified organic formulas. Pesticides are there to destroy plant parasites, which are bacteria, but our microbiota is also made up of bacteria.
5 – Limit antibiotics.
The skin of an adult hosts an average of 1012 trillion bacteria (ie 500 thousand per cm2 of skin), of more than 500 different species. The skin naturally supports and maintains its own “micro-ecosystem”, which is formed at birth and evolves until death.