50 km / h in built-up areas is no longer an absolute rule. In many city centers, the limit is now capped at 30 km / h. After Paris, Limoges and Lyon have just announced a reduction in speed. Overview of cities that have grown to 30.
In Paris, since August 30, almost all streets are now limited to 30 km / h. For the town hall, this decision must benefit road safety and should reduce noise pollution. An announcement that is being emulated since other large cities have in turn decided to take the plunge.

Why are all cities increasing to 30?
If so many cities are joining the movement, in France and abroad (in Spain in particular), it is because they have all signed the ” Stockholm Declaration “, the new global road safety program of the UN, which recommends a speed limit of 30 km / h in city streets by 2030 where pedestrians, cyclists and motorized traffic share the public road.
Limoges at 30 km / h from October
From October, the city of Limoges will gradually reduce the maximum speed in all the streets located inside the ring road. Until then, only the hypercentre was concerned.

As in Paris, some axes (a dozen) will be exceptions while remaining limited to 50 km / h (avenue Jean-Gagnant, avenue du Général-Leclerc, rue Armand-Dutreix, rue François-Perrin, avenue Baudin…). A measure that does not please everyone. According to a survey of 1,567 inhabitants, and relayed by the newspaper Le Populaire, 54% of Limougeauds are against 30 km / h. The installation of the panels, which will begin next month, will continue during the year 2022. The neighboring municipalities of Corrèze, Brive and Tulle, have also acted on the device.
Lyon at 30 km / h from spring 2022

The mayor of Lyon Grégory Doucet (EELV) has in turn announced the introduction of a 30 km / h limit in certain streets from spring 2022. ” Some high traffic axes will remain at 50 km / h »He confided on the France 3 Rhône-Alpes branch. The city council’s two arguments to justify his choice still revolve around reducing accidents and noise. According to a study by Cerema “ 30 zones have a positive impact on the sound environment through a decrease in vehicle noise ranging from 1.4 to 3 dB. ”
What about pollution in all of this?
On the other hand, ” the slower we drive, the more we pollute “ recently confided Tony Renucc, general manager of the association Respire, at the microphone of our colleagues from France Bleu. Always according to a study of Cerema “ up to 30 km / h a car emits as many pollutants as at high speed between 110 and 120 km / h, i.e. when cars emit the most fine particles and CO2 “.
Cities where the speed is limited to 30 km / h
On this interactive map produced by the ville30.org site, discover the list of French cities that have already passed 30 km / h and those in the process of adopting the measure.