According to a Ifop poll, carried out for Sidaction in November 2014 on a sample of 610 people, aged 15 to 24, 89% of respondents say they are well informed about AIDS and his virus, HIV.
27% of young people think that AIDS can be cured
More than two-thirds (71%) know where to go to get tested for unsafe sex, for example. However, only half of these young people know that there is treatment for them. HIV positive people and 27% think that AIDS is curable today.
The main sources of information for respondents? Internet (35%), parents (27%), the media (26%), or the doctor (22%). 87% of young people have, however, had one or more interventions dealing with AIDS in the school setting.
AIDS: more than 95% of 15-24 year olds know about risky practices
This study also shows that the young people interviewed know the main practices at risk of HIV transmission. For 98% of them, the virus can be transmitted during a sex without a condom and for 96%, by coming into contact with the blood of another person. 71% are aware that it can be dangerous to get a piercing or a tattoo if hygiene standards are not respected.
Finally, the Ifop survey shows that talking about AIDS between partners is still taboo for young people. 42% of respondents say they talk about it occasionally or never and only 32% say they are comfortable with the subject.
AIDS: the condom is not used enough by young people
More worrying, if 98% of the people questioned consider the condom effective in not contracting HIV, its use is not obvious. 53% of people with a non-regular sexual partner did not use a condom the last time they had sex.
In addition, 52% of respondents who had sex in the previous year say they have already taken an AIDS test.
“We must repeat, continue to carry out major national campaigns which can restore the truth of the facts”, wishes Christian Andreo, director of the pole “claims and development” of AIDES (French association for the fight against HIV / AIDS and viral hepatitis in France).
Read also :
– AIDS: a virus inhibitor successfully tested on monkeys
– Apple sees red and takes action against AIDS