Treating some migraine headaches that are resistant to medical treatment with surgery is effective. American researchers have shown that surgery reduces the violence of seizures, their frequency, but also that it improves the skills of patients, previously very disabled.
Treating certain migraines, through surgery, seems possible, and the results would be good. A study published in the Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows that after a year, patients have migraines less often, they are less severe and above all, daily tasks that were difficult for them become easier.
Surgery on the trigger zones
The treatment of migraine by surgery is done when other medical treatments do not work and only in certain diseases. These are patients with chronic and severe migraines, where a trigger zone is identified. The operation aims to denervate these trigger zones which are linked to headaches. It was by performing plastic surgeries on the forehead that surgeons realized the effectiveness of this type of surgery on certain migraines.
Improvements one year after the operation
90 patients participated in the study, all of whom had plastic surgery for migraine. Before and after this operation, they answered a questionnaire about their migraines, the MHI, for a migraine headache inventory, as well as the PSEQ, a self-report pain questionnaire.
Before the operation, the patients had low scores on the PSEQ, which reflects a strong handicap. One year after the operation, their score improved by an average of 112%. The specific migraine questionnaire shows a 76% improvement in score after the operation, which means that migraines are less frequent, shorter and less violent.
These operations represent a hope for migraine sufferers, because 10 to 15% of them do not respond to treatment, and 5% have contraindications.